District Governor Visit to Meriwether County

Rotary Club of Meriwether County

On Tuesday, September 15, 2020, Rotary District 6900 Governor Kirk Driskell was the honored speaker at the Rotary Club of Meriwether County. Governor Driskell’s explained how using your true passion in life can make a difference for your Rotary Club and your community. Governor Driskell shared his personal passion of helping men who struggle in their fight with drugs and alcohol addiction; thus founding a Vision Warriors ministry, a faith community that focuses on accountability and transparency for those who fight drugs and alcohol addictions. Pictured below: Past Rotary District Governor Court Dowis; Rotary District Governor 2020-2021 Kirk Driskell; Meriwether Co President Lisa Bennett Thompson; and Assistant District Governor Sheri Cody.

Posted by Lisa Thompson
September 15, 2020 12:00pm


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