The Rotary Foundation
Introducing a New Monthly Feature ... "Through Rotary's International Window"

We are beginning a brand new column for the District Newsletter during Foundation Month. With dual goals of showcasing District 6900’s International Service projects and helping every club become involved in this high impact Avenue of Service, we are eager to show you Rotary’s International Window.

Our Windows view includes:

  • Global Grants, the ones in progress and the ones under development
  • Global Grant Scholarships with past and present recipient activities
  • International service projects undertaken by individuals and Clubs in our District not funded through the Foundations Grant Process.

Kicking off our “Through the Window” column, we are feature two different Global Grant Projects, both sharing Partner Clubs inside this District, and both needing financial and maybe “hands on” technical assistance from other Clubs and individual Rotarians.

  • Global Grant Proposal #1 envisions clean water and a sanitation program (WASH) in 100 remote village households of approximately 2000 people in Panama. The Project is budgeted at approximately $65,000 total and they are planning to initiate work in Rotary Year 2020-2021. The Rotary Club of Roswell will be District 6900’s International Partner Club - you can read more about this project and funding needs on the district website.. Please contact Kay Love in the Roswell Club for more information about the help they hope to have from us.
  • Global Grant #2 offers training and equipment supporting the development of a vocational training center on “Heart for Africa’s” farm – school - orphanage in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). District 6900’s International Partner Club is the Rotary Club of North Fulton who is looking for funding assistance with a $150,000 budget. Yyou can read more about this project and funding needs on the district website.. Please contact North Fulton Past President and Foundation Director Mike Mudd for more information and donations.

When your Club chooses to support Global Grant applications like the ones shown here, it will be credited with Global Grant participation and District 6900 will match the Club’s monetary contribution $1 for $1 through our Annual District Designated Funds. When a Global Grant Application is approved by The Rotary Foundation and accepted, the Foundation adds another $1 for $1 match for all the money pledged from District 6900 and the Clubs.

Without a doubt, we are making an incredible investment in the World’s Future – “Through Rotary’s International Window." If you have opportunities or are looking for one, you may always contact  me, Anne Glenn, your Global Grants chair.

Posted by Anne Glenn
November 8, 2020


This Year’s Posts: