Engaging Members

As Membership Month (August) comes to a close, this is a great time to consider how people can engage with Rotary so they are gaining value from being members. Here are just a few ideas from Rotary on how to keep your members involved:

"Travel" around the world with Rotary. Many Rotary and Rotaract clubs are holding virtual events and meetings instead of gathering in person. Now is a perfect time to visit! Find a club, see if it is meeting online, and request an online meeting invitation link. Whether you are visiting a different club in your hometown or a club halfway across the world, you will meet new people and enjoy a new Rotary experience.

Get creative with your own meetings and events. If your club is thinking about moving club meetings online exclusively or simply offering a virtual option, look at the Meeting Online learning topic (My Rotary login required) for tips on virtual engagement.

Learn something new. You can develop and practice your communication skills with new courses in the Learning Center (My Rotary login required). The Develop a Speech course teaches ways to organize a speech that will leave a lasting impression on your audience. The Deliver a Speech course focuses on the use of body language and the effective use of vocal variety. These courses, developed exclusively for Rotary members by Toastmasters International, are part of a series on leadership development.

Make sure your club members are heard. To be engaged, members need to feel they are getting value out of their Rotary experience. Clubs should ask their members what they are interested in and how they would like to be involved. Conduct a member satisfaction survey, host a virtual group discussion, or brainstorm new ideas at an upcoming club meeting. Then start planning how you will use those ideas.

Don’t ignore your club’s challenges. Answer a few questions in the Club Planning Assistant to get solutions that are tailored to the issues you are facing. Talk with others in your club about how to put those solutions into practice.

Find more membership resources in My Rotary.

Posted by Jaclyn Donovan
September 3, 2020


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