From Our District Governor
Imagine Opportunities for Fellowship, Learning, Fun and Making a Difference!

DG George doubled as photographer at PETS and Arnold was frequently at his side to promote our Green Acres district conference in SanDestin

DG George doubled as photographer at PETS and Arnold was frequently at his side to promote our Green Acres district conference in SanDestin

We just finished an amazing weekend at PETS - President Elect Training - where DGE André, district leaders and next year's club presidents joined with their fellow leaders from Georgia's other two Rotary districts to brainstorm about how to take us successfully into the next Rotary year that will start in July. It was great to be there, and reminds us all that we are closer to the homestretch for this Rotary year. We have a lot to celebrate and a lot to accomplish - and I look to all of you to us make the rest of the year as good or better than what we have already enjoyed!

For starters, have you registered for District Conference to be held at the Sandestin Beach and Golf Resort from April 27-30? Your Green Acres team leaders - Cheryl, Kelly, LouAnn and I - are planning some fun times. Join us for a pig roast on Thursday night (don’t worry we did not roast Arnold, he will be at the conference), a cornhole contest and a tug-a-war battle. Be sure your club has assembled a team for each of these events. We will have educational Rotary classes available as well as awards to be given out. We have two speakers who I believe will motivate and inspire you. And did I mention, you'll have some time to enjoy the beach! You can register at the District website - be sure to do that before March 21 when the registration fee goes up to $325.

The awards deadline is March 15. If you have a role in completing your goals and/or inputting your service projects, make sure that this work is recorded at both Rotary Club Central and the District 6900 website. Awards chair Stephanie Windham has held two Zoom calls on how and where to put your awards in the District website and Rotary Club Central. Those calls were recorded and can be viewed on the District You Tube website.

If you are part of your club's leadership for 2023-24, be sure you have registered for District Training Assembly to be held March 25 in Columbus. DGE André Marria and her team have some excellent topics lined up for president elects and club leaders.

District Grants Chair Gillian Leggett and I want to remind you that the deadline for closing your District Grant is March 31. Be sure to send in all your supporting documentation and receipts. Also, District Foundation Chair Anne Glenn and I want to encourage you to give to The Rotary Foundation now to support future work in the district and around the globe. Anne Glenn and I have been working with five club presidents whose counties were hit hard in January. We have applied for a Emergency Disaster Grant. Hopefully we will be receiving the funds very soon.

I want to thank you for all that you are doing for your community through Rotary. Because of you, your community and the world are becoming better places.

Posted by George Granade
March 6, 2023


This Year’s Posts: