Linking the Community with Local Police Departments

Rotary Club of Meriwether County

On Tuesday, September 29, 2020, Adam Andersen, Community Relations Officer for the Manchester Police department spoke to the Rotary Club of Meriwether County about his new position within the department. Adam talked about his connection with the people within the community and the upcoming activities linking the community with the Manchester Police department. The October special events include the Faith in Blue community event on October 10 at the Manchester Mill and Trunk or Treat event at the Police department on October 31 from 6-9pm. To provide support for The Blue, the Meriwether County Rotary Club donated $200 towards the purchase of supplies needed for the upcoming community events. Pictured below: Adam Andersen, Manchester Police Department, and Lisa Bennett Thompson, Meriwether Co Rotary Club President.

Posted by Lisa Thompson
September 29, 2020 12:00pm


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