At This Friday's Meeting
Vote to Approve Officers and Board of Directors for 2020-21

With all that's been going on in the world around us, we have not yet asked you as our members to vote to approve Ardy's Board of Directors for 2020-21. We plan to do that by a show of hands at this Friday's Zoom meeting. Ardy has put together a great board for next year, including several new members. You can view his proposed Board here.

  • President: Ardy Bastien
  • President Elect: Carter Stout
  • President Nominee: Jennifer Bowler
  • Secretary: Jeanette Jezerinac-Prince
  • Treasurer: Josh Podczervinski
  • Immediate Past President: Cathie Brumfield
  • Sergeant-at-Arms: Phillip Cohn
  • Membership: Darrin Vanderpan
  • Public Image/Communications: Jackie Cuthbert
  • Club Administration: Ed Holliday
  • Community Service - Neighborhoods: Kobelah Svensen Bennah
  • Youth Services: Sara Etalalahti
  • International Service: Louise Barden
  • Rotary Foundation: William Mulkey (also President Emeritus)
  • Presidential Advisor: Rick Otness
  • Fundraising: Rick Woods
Posted by Cathie Brumfield
May 13, 2020


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