Tuesdays | 12:00 pmFirst Baptist Warm Springs5700 Spring StreetWarm Springs, GA 31830Meeting location is the First Baptist Church, 5700 Spring Street, Warm Springs, Georgia 31830
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Thanks to the generosity of people like you, we are able to make our community and the world a better place to live and work.
3,094Volunteer Hours
$36,623Value to Georgia communities
We love to share all the good work we do in the community. To stay up to date with what we are doing and make sure you never miss an opportunity to serve with us, connect with us on social media.
12p District Governor VisitGuest
Please attend to hear from DG Gordon
9 Cotton Fair
Come join us at the Rotary booth for the best hot dogs in Georgia
6p Rotary Means Business
Location: Politan Row at Ashford Lane (near Perimeter Mall)
To register: Click here
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/RMBDistrict6900
Subscribe link: https://meriwetherrotary.org/calendar/subscribe?club=43